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soulofbass on video

soul loves the community of youtube and has recently embraced the opportunities that have been set before him in this arena. his main artistic vision involves music but he is no stranger to other formats either. on his channel you can find different series, they are listed below! don't forget to comment rate and subscribe 

To Telephin Live Concert Series

this series of 12 songs performed live in front of a camera is no ordinary series. they chronologically tell the story of a band (Telephintreze) which rises to fame, then falls to great lows before finding redemption and eventually passing on the torch.

The SNES Files Series

soulofbass tributes his gaming days of old with videos based off of his favorite, and not so favorite, games on the famed SNES system. his twisted sense of humor truly comes through in these videos leaving viewers bewildered and at a loss for words

TCK Gets Real Vlog Series

personal, upfront, intimate, honest, all these adjectives could be used to describe soul's first vlogging series which recounts the experiences he holds onto as a Third Culture Kid. view the world from his eyes by watching this series

Songs in a Day Series

flexing his creative muscles to bring you this series soulofbass writes, records, films, and edits a music video all in one day, playing every single part (except when guests are featured). watch as he strives to entertain with the medium of film and music

welcome to soulofbass, the place for all music and musicians that's truly non conventional!